#blog 2020-05-22 This site exists again! And we're back! Some twenty years ago, I ran dreamwriter.de as a personal page for my projects. Then I left school and had a lot less time on my hands, depression hit and the big content aggregators changed the way the internet looked. So I let the site waste away and gave up the domain. I put my pictures up on deviantArt and the rest of my stuff on various other platforms, or I simply did not publish it at all. Recently I was curious if the domain was still available and how much it would cost to host a website again. It turns out: it was and less than a cup of very mediocre coffee per month! And so I’m giving this another go. Right now there’s just this blog and a bunch of pages without content. Before I put more things up, I want to write a little program to automate a lot of the busywork. The pages will most likely still be just static content, same as 20years ago, but with way less work for me :) I could of course use one of the many solutions that already exist for this problem, but where’s the fun in that? #end blog #picture 2020-05-23 char_coal_fairy.html char_coal_fairy.png char coal fairy a fairy drawn with a few strokes of charcoal 2016-05-12 Charcoal and pecils on paper #end picture #update 2020-05-24 added contact info to the left index.html #end update #picture 2020-05-24 lariloo_laliley.html wiz8_loo.png Lariloo Laliley a flying fairy with a big sword drawn in pencil 2016-04-24 Fairy Ninja from a Wizardry 8 party. #end picture #picture 2020-05-24 renardine.html wiz8_renard.png Renardine an antropomorphic wolf fighter with sword and shield 2016-04-25 Rawulf Lord from a Wizardry 8 party. #end picture #picture 2020-05-24 kayka_narsarda.html wiz8_kayka.png Kayka Narsarda a female fighter with a spear 2016-04-27 Human Valkyrie from a Wizardry 8 party. #end picture #picture 2020-05-24 the_librarian.html wiz8_librarian.png the librarian hairy guy carrying various contraptions, musical instruments and a gun 2016-05-26 Mook engineer and bard from a Wizardry 8 party. #end picture #picture 2020-05-24 dot.html wiz8_dot.png Princess Dotina Francesca III elven pristess with a miter on her head 2016-05-26 Elvish bishop from a Wizardry 8 party. #end picture #picture 2020-05-24 ignus.html wiz8_ignus.png Ignus of Gavonny bald mage summoning dark magic 2016-05-26 Human psionic from a Wizardry 8 party. #end picture #picture 2020-05-24 dreamwriter_storyteller.html dreamwriter_magic_3.png the Dreamwriter as a storyteller a dwarf sitting by a cozy fireplace reading a story to goblins and monsters 2015-01-19 It's me, reading a story to the little goblins and big monsters. #end picture #picture 2020-05-24 seraph_of_dusk.html seraph_of_dusk.png Seraph of Dusk an angel with a magic hammer in twilight 2015-02-05 "The sun rises and falls, but my watch is eternal." #end picture #picture 2020-05-24 firin_anar.html firin_anar.png Firin Anar a mage with horrible burns and bandages all over his body drawn in pencil 2016-06-05 One of the heroes of 1()13. #end picture #picture 2020-05-24 harpy.html harpy.png Pajaro de la luna a harpy on a cliff in front of the moon A harpy who loves the moon. Thanks to the folks on the dict.leo.org Spanish forum for help with the name. #end picture #picture 2020-05-24 great_green_hippo.html great_green_hippo.png The Great Green Hippo a goofy green hippo holding a trombone and a beer 2017-11-04 I was thinking about religion and took a stab at inventing one of my own. This is the god of that religion. #end picture #blog 2020-05-24 Update on the state of dreamwriter.de automation Since the last blog post I have been working on the software to automate a lot of the html work for the website. It's a horrible spaghetti mess and fairly brittle right now, but it does the job, as this blog post made with it shows (So meta!). I use a text file as a poor mans database to define the content. Here's an example of what it looks like:
#blog 2020-05-24 Update on the state of dreamwriter.de automation Since the last blog post I have been working on the software to automate... #end blog #picture 2020-05-24 great_green_hippo.html great_green_hippo.png The Great Green Hippo a goofy green hippo holding a trombone and a beer 2017-11-04 I was thinking about religion and took a stab at inventing one of my own. This is the god of that religion. #end picture
From that the program makes the front page, navigation, blog and all the galleries and individual picture pages. As soon as I get it in presentable shape, I'll put the thing and the documentation up on the software page. I would also like to get a forum up. Since I have little interest in coding that myself, I'll look for a ready made solution. #end blog