dreamwriter.de creator

The dreamwriter.de site is deliberately designed as a collection of static pages. But that does not mean, I want to write all of those pages by hand and that's where this program comes in. It uses a simple text file as a poor mans database to store information about the content and creates the html files from that.
I doubt the program will be of much use to anyone else - it's just some text transformation and the output is very specific - this is mostly documentation for myself.

Call convention
The program is called from the command line:
dwde_creator.exe input_file.txt [log]
If "log" is set, the program outputs a log to standard output about what it is doing.

Input file format for picture
update date (YYYY-MM-DD)
html file name (no directory, include ending)
picture file name (no directory, include ending)
alt attribute
picture date (YYYY-MM-DD)
description (<p> and <br> are automaticly created, all other html must be written explicitly)
#end picture

Input file format for blog post
update date (YYYY-MM-DD)
synopsis (must be one line)
blog post (<p> and <br> are automaticly created, all other html must be written explicitly)
#end blog

Input file format other content
update date (YYYY-MM-DD)
synopsis (must be one line)
#end update

Example input file

Output files
The program writes its files to a folder called "output" and a subfolder "output/gallery" for the picture related files. Those folders must already exitst, the program does not create them.
index.html (for news)
nav.html (to link to newest picture)
gallery/gallery001.html, gallery/gallery002.html, ...
gallery/"picture name".html, ...

Source code
Created with VisualStudio Code 2022, versions 1.0 to 1.4 created with Visual Studio Code 2017
dwde_creator_v1-6.zip Version 1.6; added favicon to index.html

Old versions:
dwde_creator_v1-5.zip Version 1.5; added RSS support
dwde_creator_v1-4.zip Version 1.4; fixed off by one error in gallery creation (again ... hopefully)
dwde_creator_v1-3.zip Version 1.3; added seperate thumbnail files to galleries and fixed off by one error for galleries
dwde_creator_v1-2.zip Version 1.2; added copyright notice to all pictures
dwde_creator_v1-1.zip Version 1.1; added guestbook to navigation
dwde_creator_v1-0.zip Version 1.0; created